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Letter: Kick current council off the bus

A year or so after Mayor Matichuk was elected, I wrote you a letter. At that time, our former mayor said something to the effect that a mayor is like a bus driver guiding their riders on a smooth, safe ride.
A year or so after Mayor Matichuk was elected, I wrote you a letter. At that time, our former mayor said something to the effect that a mayor is like a bus driver guiding their riders on a smooth, safe ride.

At that time, I said a bus driver could only concentrate on their job if the riders behaved and listened. Some of her riders (city council) were acting like bratty children. They balked at every suggestion and action the bus driver had. Just like a band of misbehaving children, they should be kicked off that bus (city council).

So please remember who the bus driver was when our bus ticket money was given away.

Remember the other perks — no control over the slush fund, did not like to be audited, and the Elton John scandal, amongst other issues.

Now is the time to select a strong bus driver and council that will be open to the taxpayers and ready to accept criticism with grace. When they are at fault, be big enough to accept it, and not point fingers at others.

Vote carefully and consider maybe it is time some of those older riders are made to walk.

Evelyn Stewart