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Letter: Robinson brings knowledge to the table

Having attended all the debates, I offer this. Most candidates fell into old patterns, dodging questions and going on to old spats. Clearly those candidates have little or no knowledge of issues and do prattle on.
Having attended all the debates, I offer this. Most candidates fell into old patterns, dodging questions and going on to old spats. Clearly those candidates have little or no knowledge of issues and do prattle on.

One question put to the panel was how people living on social assistance could live on their allowance. They all had some answer — sympathy and more prattling. Only one candidate had a solution. David Robinson under the Green banner, PhD in economics.

He is not a career politician, but an economics professor at Laurentian University. Dr. Robinson is conversant and knowledgeable on real issues and has a good track record on local developments, such as his contribution to the School of Architecture.

He is also conversant on the Ring of Fire, showing knowledge and imagination. But the really important issue is the necessity of some kind of carbon tax, and how to set up it up.

The Wynne government seems ready to act. Whatever we get will be that way for a long time. We should all be concerned that her advisers may push some weird version of cap and trade, which would do nothing for the carbon issue, but would permit Bay Street to make the wealthy more wealthy, and put a tax burden on those least able to afford it.

So on important issues, the other candidates for this little byelection bring nothing to the table, nada. We need Dr. Robinson to be there to advise Premier Wynne.

Surely the colour Green would be good for Sudbury’s image, and could be a magnet for modern, progressive companies bringing them to our city.

ET Hermikari